From (stylized as FROM) is an American science fiction horror television series created by John Griffin and the first season premiered on February 20, 2022, on Epix. In April 2022, the series was renewed for a second season on the rebranded MGM, which premiered on April 23, 2023. In June 2023, the series was renewed for a third season set to premiere on September 22, 2024.
On a cross-country drive in their RV, the Matthews family – consisting of parents Jim and Tabitha and children Julie and Ethan – encounter a fallen tree blocking the road, forcing them to take a detour into a small town. The local sheriff, Boyd, instructs them to follow the tree road through town. As the Matthews continue driving, they find themselves repeatedly looping back into town, until they encounter another car that runs them off the road, causing the RV to flip and crash. Fearing nightfall, the townspeople arrive to help, bringing the passengers of the other car, Tobey and Jade, back to town, while Boyd and the town doctor, Kristi, stay in the overturned RV with Jim to help Ethan, who is immobile due to a serious leg wound. In a hurry to find shelter, the car driven by Deputy Kenny runs over a spike strip left on the road originally for the RV, prompting Kenny, Tabitha, Julie, Father Khatri, Jade, and Boyd’s estranged son Ellis, to run for the “Colony House” on foot before dark. Back in the RV, as night falls, strangers slowly approach the vehicle and surround it.
A passenger on a bus warns of danger, prompting residents to corral passengers and fortify a nearby building. Donna tries to convince the bus driver of the danger, but when the driver tries to leave, she shoots out a tire on the bus, causing some passengers to flee. Jade explains the importance of symbols in a journal to Ethan. Jim, Tom, and two passengers try to rescue Tabitha in a hole, but the house caves in and traps them. Victor and Tabitha explore tunnels and find a forest, narrowly escaping when the creatures inside wake up. With the help of an unseen stranger, Boyd climbs out of the mineshaft. He discovers the stranger is a ragged, emaciated man chained to the wall. The man asks Boyd to kill him.
In a nightmarish town in Middle America that traps those who enter, unwilling residents strive to stay alive and search for a way out, plagued by terrifying nocturnal creatures from the surrounding forest and secrets hidden in the town.
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